
Showing posts from September, 2016


Done with the cutscene leading to the farm, and was tinkering a bit with the farm-map when I realized I'd have to have an opening cutscene for the farm....I'm worried about death-by-cutscene for the player...

Eugh. The mires of notprogress

Medical stuff. College. Things. I haven't gotten much done except a dialogue scene as far as the game goes, but I did draft up a plan. I kinda like how   did their game, where the first week or something is a prologue, and that's how I'm going to be going with Sauce. I know what you're thinking, isn't what I'm doing NOW the prologue, with Esme? It is. So is the first week.... It's complicated >.> I'm so good at explaining things though, so it's ok. The way I look at it, right now the game's going to be a little like this Prologue Do what you want, no real impact on the game, meant as just something for the player to explore, get a feel of what the game will be like. First week. The actual game begins, but 70% of it is still scripted. Some degree of freedom is offered, but some choices will simply not be presented, for the sake of the story Rest of the game Free play! Do what you want! ...

Progress update.

Progress on 0.1.05 is slow. I've squashed bugs from the previous version, but with college starting up again I'm not having as much time as I previously did. There's a decent chunk of content I want to include in the next release, and a lot of it is building maps, something I'm not very good at (along with coding, arting and writing....haha why am I even doing this haha OTL). I hope for atleast the pre-prologue to be finished 100% for 0.1.05. It will be released when it is released, but I hope you don't have to wait more than a couple weeks.