Sauce? (DL Link is here)

(Download link at the bottom)
. The quintessential question.

What is Sauce? What is its relevance in the grand scheme of things? Where does it fit in? What is the reason for its existence?

You see, it is Sauce that created us.
Sauce that connects us.
Sauce that pulls us.
That guides us.
That drives us.
It is sauce that defines us.
Sauce, that binds us.
We are here today because of YOU, Mr. Anderson.

Sorry bout that. I share an apartment with Mr.Smith.

What is sauce?

RPGmaker Lewd Games. They are fun. But so many of them are the same. Power-fantasies. Harem building. 'Why it just so happens that we must do these unspeakable acts that I like to save the world!' I am not knocking this approach. It is the basis of most porn.
And Sauce is porn. It is the hedonist, targeted glaze that is smeared onto life, and also served in a little cup on the side. It is not the expertly cooked steak. It is not the carefully selected veggies. Those are art. It is the pan sauce made from the drippings, that the waiter places at your table with a knowing wink, as though to say, 'Go ahead. Get nasty.' Sauce is porn.

And the best thing about sauce is that there's so many kinds. And sometimes we must rise to create sauce where there is no sauce. Fill the void. Glaze those fries.

I have been roleplaying on F-list for two years+ now. It seemed that I had reached a sort of...point of no turning back. Like I'd won the game and didn't realize it. I think it's time I sort of made something out of it. An experience that others could partake of, without spending two days roleplaying with me.
While also scratching my itch for games that cater to my whims.

So that's it.
 This is my sauce.
 That sounded weird.

Okay but what the heck is it?

Sauce is an project made using RPGmaker MV. It will combine elements of a
Visual Novel (lots of text)
A life sim ( go around town talking to people, help them with chores, build various relationship values)
A farming sim ( Less agriculture, more livestock. But still agriculture)
And a story.

It will feature KINKS.
Why, these KINKS.
(this is where you know if you want to play this game or not)
Happy Sex
Incest - Every pairing
Transgender/Futanari (a fantasy twist)
Double pen, groups, orgies.

Important Note : I should've probably mentioned this earlier. But I'm trying to do something that's in its own wierd and creepy way, sex positive. I'm indulging in some heavy kinks here, but I don't want to touch degradation, humiliation and all that stuff. I don't want to make MC feel terrible for having all this sex, in fact just the opposite. I don't want to hang shame and self-hate on any of my characters for being promiscious, I don't want the society to see it as anything but something to celebrate, and I definitely don't want to make it seem like submitting to someone is giving power over to them.

Why am I doing this? Cause I wanna. Its just another kink of mine. Something like a casual sex world but with sex being fun!

With all that out of the way. Here's a FAQ

How much?

Nah, as much as I would like to be rewarded for my middling work, and as much as I would love donations from people who enjoy the game, I don't think there's any valid method right now of me making any dollah off this. I'm going to be keeping this non-commercial.

Just text?

I'm thinking about commissioning some art, but it's a long shot. I probably wont be able to afford an illustration for every scene I have planned, but maybe a a few here and there? We'll see.



How is this exactly going to work? Are you gonna do xx and then xxx?

I have a plan. I'm not making it up as I go along. While the plan may change as I develop, I am not going to reveal it. I'm afraid you're going to have to find out for yourself.

Any more questions you think should be up here?

Disclaimer : 
This game contains explicit content. It caters to certain kinks as have been detailed on this page. Please do not download if you aren't comfortable with any of these things. If you're confused about anything, do not download it. 

Current Version :0.1.07(hotfix) By clicking on this link you agree that you've read all of this page and have read and understood all warnings ,yo.
90% of pre-prologue done.
0% of prologue done.
0% of everything else done.


  1. As someone who practically never comments on anything: What you have so far is really promising and I hope to see more. Just tickles my... bone. Good luck, good fun, goodbye.

  2. Cannot wait for mother/son incest! what you have here is great!

    1. It'll sadly be a while before Elliot and his moms get it going but I promise you that the time between that and now will be filled with fun stuff :3

  3. Just curious - will any of the kinks be unavoidable?

    1. Some of the feminization and incest content will definitely be unavoidable, since it'll be a part of the core story, but I'm going to try and keep it as open as possible for the rest of the game.

  4. Friend as it goes to the project or canceled?

  5. I really loved this game, it's amazing! Keep up the good work!

  6. really love the characterization and world building. happy 2017 and would love to see more =)

  7. how is it going mate. really loved the game so far, love to see what's next.


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