More (slow) progress

I got a lot done today, fixing a TON of bugs that came with some changes to the system.
I also made headway into 1/3rds of the content for the 0.1.07 release, as well as redid a whole bunch of dialogues at the farm. Things should be watertight there. I've also been working on some 0.1.08 stuff, and drafting up some ideas.

College is kicking my ass though, and I really have to give it the majority of my time or it'll roll me over. However ,I'm going to see if I can put a few hours in tomorrow and do another 1/3rd of the content.

Meanwhile the new pokemon game is out but my friends will finish playing the game before I can get my hands on it cause I live in the not-states. SADNESS
Not that I would have much time to play it anyway. Jeez, this release was hyped up so much but I'm not gonna get much out of it. Reaaaaaaaaal bummer


  1. Love the game! Funny dialog and interesting concept.

    With that said, I have been going through Esme and listing the various issues, mostly dialog, I have found. Would that be helpful or have you already gone over all that and fixed it?

    Either way, looking forward to this project, keep up the great work!! (When you can of course ;))

    1. I'd love to hear any bugfixes/typos you found! I can't ever seem to find them all.

  2. hey dude you game got 10074 downloads on svscomics website if there would be more scenes you should do some like petrion on something maybe then it will get funded more :)

    1. I'm not sure. I'd love to get some money for my efforts but I don't think I'd be able to commit to a regular schedule or if anyone would want to donate anyway.

  3. Just thought I'd drop a line to say great start and looking forward to seeing what direction the game goes.


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